2003 USA Volleyball
Edward P. Lauten Scorekeeper Award

C.L. 'Steve' Crane

This award recognizes active USA National scorers for outstanding contributions to the USA Volleyball scorer’s development and certification program.

Named in honor of Edward P. Lauten, the recognized originator of the modern volleyball scorekeeping system in the United States.


The 2003 recipient of the Edward P. Lauten Scorekeeper Award, C.L. “Steve” Crane, began playing volleyball in 1977 to meet girls! He has played on numerous co-ed and men’s teams, including The Wall, a men’s “A” team with friend and fellow official Ben Jordan. He received a Silver Medal as a member of the Miami Valley Masters (at the 1998 National Tournament in Tucson, Arizona).

Steve has held many Regional and National offices including: Vice Commissioner of North Texas Region; Scorekeeper Chair of the Lone Star Region; web master of the Lone Star Region; and National Commissioner Scorekeeper RVA Development.

He has also served as a player, coach, team representative, tournament host and referee. Because of his many contributions and assistance in the initial development of the Lone Star Region, Steve was presented the “USVBA Honorable Mention Certificate” in 1984.

Steve earned his USAV national referee certification in 1988 and his USAV national scorekeeper certification in 1994. Steve has been instrumental in facilitating the USAV migration to a new scorekeeping system and has aided in designing score sheets for USAV, several collegiate conferences and numerous high school associations.

Some of his other volleyball accomplishments include: serving as tournament director of the 1991 USVBA Mixed-Six National Championships (in Dallas, Texas); officiating three finals at the Centennial Tournament in Holyoke, Mass.; convincing Ben Jordan to become an official; and designing of the 2001 Viggo O. Nelson Award-winning Lone Star Region web site.

Although volleyball is truly one of Steve’s passions, he still has time for a family and a real job. Steve lives in Houston, Texas, with his wife Vicky and his daughter Cara. He works as a trainer for Southwestern Bell and travels throughout the area making presentations and giving seminars.

Because of these accomplishments and so much more, USA Volleyball is proud to present the Lauten Scorekeeper Award to C.L. “Steve” Crane.