Reference Section

Site Map

Tournament Package

Club/Team Package

Lone Star Region Forms

USAV Score Sheets

Scorer Summaries and Tips

USAV Alcohol Policy

USAV Foreign Guest/Participant














  Lone Star Region Forms
All forms are property of USA Volleyball or the Lone Star Region and may be used by member organizations. Any other use is prohibited without advance written approval.

Click on the link below to display file.
To download a copy of the file, right click on the link, then select Save Target As.


Generic Tournament
Entry Form


Playoff Brackets:
Two Pool
Three Pool

Generic Outdoor Event Entry Form

Official's Application
Rev 6/22


Scorer Rating Sheet
Rater must be a Regional or above scorer and not be affiliated with the club/team being rated.

This form is not required if you sent in a copy of your score sheet.

Referee Rating Sheet
Jr - Prov

Referee Rater's Handbook




Official's Scheduled Matches 
Work Sheet


USAV Rating form - R1

USAV Rating form - R2

Critical Errors









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USA Volleyball Official Score Sheets

Click on the link below to display file.
To download a copy of the file, right click on the link, then select Save Target As.

Line-Up Sheet
2 out of 3 match


Line-Up Sheet
3 out of 5 match




Line-Up Sheet
2 out of 3 match

Full Pool

Line-Up Sheet
3 out of 5 match

Full Pool

Score Sheet -
Non Deciding Set

For Region Play

Score Sheet-
Deciding Set
For Region Play

Score Sheet -
Two Set

For Region Play


2/3 Libero Control Sheet

3/5 Libero Control Sheet

Score Sheet -
Non Deciding Set

Blank Heading W/Logo
For Region Play

Score Sheet -
Deciding Set
Blank Heading W/Logo
Rev 8/12/15
For Region Play

Score Sheet -Two Set
Blank Heading W/Logo
For Region Play


Score Sheets for National Qualifiers:


No Header





Outdoor (Beach)

Score Sheet -
Beach 2s


Score Sheet -
Beach 3s


Score Sheet -
Beach 4s


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Scorer Summaries and Tips

One page
scoring summary


Scorer Tips Card
(Front and Back)

To be used with Avery
5½ x 4¼ Postcards

Rev: 10/15



Lone Star Scorer Clinic Presentation - Rev 8/24

Libero Control Procedures

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Lone Star Region - Tournament Package

Host Instructions Rev 4/24 One Court Tournament Pack
Tournament Entry Form Court Manager Responsibilities
Tournament Financial Report Rev 8/23 Pre-Tournament Team List/Roster Status/Rank: xls | pdf
Line-Up Sheet, 2 of 3 match Determining Playoff Positions
Line-Up Sheet, 3 of 5 match Tournament Results Form: xls | pdf
Score Sheet, 2 set FacilitySafetyRequirements
Score Sheet Deciding Set  
Libero Control Sheet 3 Team Bracket - Single Pool
2020-21 two set score sheet no switch 3 Team Win-Loss Record Sheet
2020-21 two set score sheet no switch-no header 4 Team Bracket - Single Pool
Instructions for Pool Assignments 4 Team Win-Loss Record Sheet
4 Team Pool Pool Schedule A: doc | pdf 4 Team Pool Bracket
4 Team Pool Pool Schedule B: doc | pdf 5 Team Win-Loss Record Sheet
5 Team Pool Pool Schedule A: doc | pdf 5 Team Pool Bracket
5 Team Pool Pool Schedule B: doc | pdf 6 Team Win-Loss Record Sheet
5 Team Pool Pool 2 Nets: doc | pdf 6 Team Pool Bracket
6 Team Pool Pool 1 Net: doc | pdf 7 TeamWin-Loss Record Sheet
6 Team Pool Pool 2 Nets: doc | pdf 7 Team Pool Bracket
6 Team Pool Pool X-Over, Seeded: doc | pdf Playoff Bracket - 2 pool play
7 Team Pool Pool X-Bracket: doc | pdf Playoff Bracket - 3 pool play
7 Team Pool Pool 2 Nets: doc | pdf Playoff Bracket - 3 way playoff

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Lone Star Region - Club/Team Package

Club Director Communications Medical Release Form (Juniors) wo/notary (22-23)
Club Administrator Guide Medical Release Form (Juniors) w/notary (22-23)
Creating a new club Incident Report Form (24-25)
Club Administrator - SportsEngine Playbook Medical Claim Form (24-25)
SportsEngine Playbook YouTube Playlist USA Volleyball Insurance Handbook (24-25)
Practice Session Sanction Request (24-25) Certificate Request Process (24-25)
Jr Club Personnel Code of Ethics  (19-20) Request for Certificate of Insurance (24-25)
USAV Code of Conduct (24-25) Certificate of Insurance (23-24)
Spectator Code of Conduct Insurance Program Summary (24-25)
USAV Alcohol Policy Secondary Sport Accident Insurance Summary (23-24)
Junior Age Definitions (24-25) Medical Professional Liability Summary (23-24)
Age Falsification Policy Medical Professional Liability Enrollment (23-24)
Junior Waiver to Play on Adult Team (18-19) Volunteer Consent Form (19-20)
Chaperone Responsibilities (19-20) Volunteer Waiver Release (19-20)
SafeSport Directors & Officers Liability program (24-25)
USAV Background Check Policy (22-23) FAQ about "Stay And Play"
  Use Agreement and Release of Liability (24-25)


Each team is required to have at least one Referee and one Scorer (not the same person) to play in a sanctioned tournament.  To compete in the Regional Championships, teams must have, listed as a member of their roster, a certified referee and a certified scorer . Anyone over the age of 18 will need to complete the Provisional or above Scorer or Referee rating.

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USAV Foreign Guest/Participant Forms

USAV Background Consent, Fillable Non-Citizen (19-20) USAV Foreign Guest Coach Policy (23-24)
USAV Background Procedure Non-Citizen (17-18) USAV Foreign Participant Procedures (23-24)
Sport Accident Insurance Summary Non-Citizen (19-20) USAV Foreign Participation Policy (23-24)
Use Agreement and Release of Liability Non-Citizen (24-25)

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Club Director Communications

CD9 - 10/1/24 - Connection to USA Volleyball Interuption
Club Directors,

This email is for those clubs who have already created and connected a season to USA Volleyball.

If you had shared teams with USA Volleyball, an issue with the SportsEngine platform effectively removed your season connection. The formerly shared teams are not showing in the region's database. The issue in SportsEngine has been resolved, but unfortunately, the club director/admin will need to complete work on the teams.

You will have to "reconnect" your season to USA Volleyball. From the left menu options on your HQ, go into Competition, Season Management. Choose OVERVIEW from the options shown in the middle of the page. You will then have to Connect your season to USA Volleyball.

Next, choose TEAMS to see a list of all your teams. The system on your HQ should still have them.

Select the first team to slide out the panel for the team. Make sure that you look at the USA VOLLEYBALL roster, NOT the one above it that states All Players and Staff. You can click that prompt if the team panel slides out and shows to SHARE TEAM.

If you have already shared your teams, you would choose the three-dot menu and choose RESYNC. Again, make sure that you are selecting the three-dot menu to the right of the USA Volleyball roster, not the All Players and Staff roster. I had success with this on several clubs. If the system asks you for the rank, which is a team identifier, not a rank, it might be best to do the teams one at a time.

In the case of this error, I have yet to have had any success sharing the teams simultaneously, but you can try. You are encouraged to "refresh" or "reload" your HQ regularly to see the most up-to-date information.

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator
Lone Star Region – USA Volleyball

CD8 - 9/29/24 - USAV Insurance and Certificate of Insurance
Club Directors,

You can get your Certificate of Insurance (COI), which lists your registered Lone Star Region club, through EPIC Entertainment & Sports. These certificates automatically renew each season. However, two critical statements on the document show that coverage is only available during the sanctioned season and for currently registered USAV members. You can use your COI to reserve a school for practice, but no benefits will apply until the sanctioned start date of November 24, 2024.
  • Coverage applies to the Named Insured on the COI but only concerning activities sanctioned or approved by USA Volleyball (USAV) or its Regional Volleyball Association (RVA).
  • No coverage will apply for RVAs and RVA clubs for events conducted in which all participants are not registered with USAV.

The only activities covered are tournaments on LSR's Indoor Junior Tournament Schedule and LSR's Junior Outdoor Tournament Schedule, along with club practices during the sanctioned season. The region will not sanction camps, clinics, or tryouts. The sanctioned season begins on November 24, 2024, and will run through the last tournament event on the Indoor Junior Tournament Schedule your team participates in.

EPIC Entertainment & Sports
Username: Club email address
Password: 5-letter club code

Once logged in, enter your Lone Star Region club name in the Club field and choose the Filter prompt. Then, click the printer icon to the right of the information displayed to download the document to your computer.

If you are looking for a facility's COI, put the facility name in the Certificate Holder field, and choose the Filter or Refilter if you have been looking for other COIs. If no facility COI exists, please fill out the Certificate of Insurance Request in the Club/Team Package available in the Reference section of the region's website. Fax the document to commissioner

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator
Lone Star Region – USA Volleyball

CD7 - 9/27/24 - Team Names in the Region database
Club Directors,

Please visit Step 7 in the Club Administrator—SportsEngine Playbook.  Before teams can be formed, all clubs must create a season and connect it to USA Volleyball.  You may call the season anything you like, but the easiest is the 24-25 Volleyball Season.  The season dates are the USAV season, which runs from 9/1/2024 through 8/31/2025.


a)  Team names in the Region database of USA Volleyball (USAV) must reflect your club name and the age division.  Abbreviations are only permitted if the Region had grandfathered the club in before our naming policy had to be instituted.  It is not necessary to include Volleyball, Volleyball Club, or VBC.  You can include this if you'd like, but this information is assumed on a club name.  

b)  There are standard abbreviations for the state and cities to shorten the possible long club name to fit into specific fields in registration systems.
     Texas or Texan - TX
     Friendswood - FR
     Fredericksburg - FRED
     Houston - HOU of H
     Hill Country - HC
     San Antonio - SA


The Club Administrator - SportsEngine Playbook must be followed to create the team correctly.  

a)  Per the Playbook, teams must be shared with USA Volleyball, or the team does not show USAV.  There is a "Share Team" option in the three-dot menu to the far right of the screen of every team name.  If there are changes on the roster, such as an addition, deletion, or amendment in the team name, the team must again be shared with USA Volleyball.

b)  The TEAM RANK field is not an actual team ranking.  That field is used as an identifier in the team code.  If you only have one team in an age division, that team rank field should get a 1.  If you have two teams in an age division, the first team should get a 1, and the second team should get a 2.  Our Ranking Committee completes rankings in the Lone Star Region based on the team's tournament finish.  

If a club uses a registration system to enter an event, such as AES, TM2, or SportsWrench, its teams must match a correctly created team name and code in USAV.    Should you receive a negative response from your tournament director upon roster verification, you must submit information through the HELP screen in that registration system and ask them to change the team code.

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator
Lone Star Region – USA Volleyball

Club Directors,

If you have a club this season, you need a seasonal membership with a cleared background screen and updated SafeSport. The USAV Administrator on your SportsEngine account is only a role function, not a seasonal membership. If the club director does not have these in place by October 1, the club is shut down automatically. The Registrar's Office can reopen a club anytime the club director has an eligible USAV membership.

If you have yet to purchase your seasonal membership, please go to the region website's Membership page and choose the link PURCHASE MEMBERSHIP.

Be sure to let me know if you will be discontinuing your club this season.

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator
Lone Star Region – USA Volleyball
CD5 - 9/14/24 - 2025 Referee Clinics/HIROS/USAV Rule Interpretations
Greetings to you and I look forward to working with you and your club during the 2024-25 USAV season. I hope that you had a restful summer, and that all is going well as you are busy preparing for this season.

I have three very important topics to address, so I hope that you receive this e-mail.

REFEREE CLINICS: The first referee clinic of the season is tomorrow here in the Houston area. If you’ve been in the region over the last 3 seasons, you know that I’ve pushed and pushed to have your coaches/athletes “REGISTER” to attend a referee clinic. Up until last season we allowed walk-ins. Last season some of the clinicians allowed some walk-ins, and of course some of them were NOT USAV members. This season, I’ve instructed all clinicians that walk-ins will NOT BE ALLOWED. Everyone must register in order to attend. Here is a screenshot from the LSR website indicating that clinics are by reservation only. Also, keep in mind that the system closes and will not allow someone to register once the clinic time has arrived. If a person arrives thinking that they can register when they arrive, they will not be able to do this as the clinicians do not have the ability to register anyone. If one of your coaches/athletes are having a problem trying to register for a referee clinic, they need to contact me 1-day or more before the clinic. I will not rush to try and get someone registered on the day of the clinic. Please make sure your club members are aware of this.

VIRTUAL REFEREE CLINIC: I have established the Virtual clinic (for coaches only) again this season. The dates are already in the Sports Engine Academy (LITMOS). They are: NOV 6, 2024 / DEC 19, 2024 / FEB 2, 2025. As a reminder, no coach can register until that contact me and I have to load the course into their Academy. In order to qualify to attend, they must have completed 4 seasons with a USAV referee certification as an Adult R2, Provisional, or Regional certification. I will send out the specifics/requirements next month.

USAV RULES INTERPRETATIONS: Last season the attached rule interpretations were sent out to all regions from USAV. I’m sending them out to you again in case you did not receive them last season.
2024 Rules Interp #1    2024 Rules Interp #2

HIROS (Harassment Incident Response Officials & Staff): Last season was the first time that HIROS was implemented in the Region. We were one of approximately 8 regions to implement this reporting program in the region. I want to bring to your attention some results from last season.

We had approximately 8 reports submitted last season, and out of that, only 2 should have been submitted as a HIROS incident. I found out that in some cases, referees & coaches told parents to go to the scorer’s table and scan the QR code and submit a report. This cannot happen. The only people that should be submitting a HIROS report are referees, head referees, and tournament directors.
Like last season, all paid referees and tournament directors will be required to watch the 17 minute HIROS training module. They can only watch this video if it is loaded into their Academy. Please send me the names of your tournament directors so that I can load the module into their accounts. Note that this would be tournament directors for both paid and non-paid referee tournaments.
Coaches: I want to encourage each of you to take the HIROS training module. I believe that this training will be beneficial should you encounter an issue at a tournament. This doesn’t mean that you are involved in the incident, but that you might be asked if a HIROS report should be submitted by a coach, athlete, or parent. You could be the one to direct them in what they should do.

Lastly, please reply to this email ( so that I know who has received it. I believe that many of you have not received my e-mails in the past, or they are possibly going into your spam folder.

Thank you!
Joe Campbell - Referee Chair

CD4 - 8/30/24 - Parent Registration Instructions
Club Directors,

I think this attachment might be helpful to send to your parents, especially new parents, to the SportsEngine platform and USAV membership. 2024-25 Parent Membership Instructions.

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator
Lone Star Region – USA Volleyball
3 - 8/30/24 - USAV Seasonal Registration opens September 1
USA Volleyball will officially open its membership season on Sunday, September 1. All participants in your club will need a seasonal USAV membership to attend sanctioned practices, tournaments, or the Scorer and Referee clinics.

Please send the Public Club Assignment to all participants so they can register and join your club. I've included the instructions below. Please be sure to make it clear, especially to the parents of athletes, that the membership needs to be purchased through the Public Club Assignment. Purchased memberships must be assigned to your club in order for you to see them, add them to a team roster, and import them into the various registration systems.

Clubs are not required to send the Public Club Assignment on September 1. However, to participate in sanctioned events, including the Scorer and Referee clinics, participants must have a seasonal USAV membership.

If your club is still not set up, you are a referee, or you are an undesignated coach, please purchase your membership directly from the region website's Membership page.

Send Your Club Assignment Link
Athletes and staff need a valid region membership affiliated with your club to be rostered and participate.
Before starting the club assignment process, make sure:
• Your region has opened its memberships for purchase
• You are within a timeframe where your region allows club assignments
Once you know which staff and athletes will be participating with your club this season, send the public club assignment link to those participants. This will allow your participants to purchase a membership in your region and be assigned to your club in a single process.
1. From the left navigation menu of your SportsEngine HQ, click Members > Memberships.
2. On the Memberships page, click USA Volleyball and then click "generate an open link" under Public Club Assignment.
3. A link is generated that can be copied and shared with your participants through email or any messaging tool of your choice.
4. The system determines the appropriate region membership based on their profile details and the participation data provided.

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator

2 - 8/30/24 - Region office will be closed for Labor Day
Due to the Labor Day weekend, the Lone Star Region offices will be closed until Tuesday, September 3. You are welcome to send emails and submit phone messages during that time; however, depending on the volume, you will only be answered on September 3 or later.

I will send out the registration instructions tomorrow, August 30. Please remember, though, that memberships will not be available until USAV opens its season on September 1.

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator
1 - 8/4/24 - USAV Adult Memberships now open
USA Volleyball has opened the Adult registrations, effective today, August 1, 2024. These have been opened so club directors may file the background screen and complete SateSport before the official September 1 opening for all club members.

If you have the background screen and SafeSport completion intact from the previous season, please send yourself a Public Club Assignment to assign the new season membership to your club. The new club directors should go to the Region website's Membership page and use the link Purchase Membership. When the background screen is cleared and SafeSport has been completed, new clubs can send themselves a Public Club Assignment to add their membership to their club.

---Club directors who will be administration only should get the 24-25 Lone Star Adult - SafeSport and Background Screen Required.
---Club directors who will coach must get the 24-25 Lone Star Adult Coach of Juniors to be rostered as coaches on a USAV roster.

Karen Tarmon
Registrar / SafeSport Coordinator
 - 8/30/24 - Electronic Scoring Systems (VolleyStation, VolleyWrite, eScore, etc.)
Tournaments must have the paper score sheets available during the event if a team chooses not to use the Electronic Scoring system.
If the parent of your scorer is comfortable downloading the app and the athlete is familiar with the program, the Electronic Scoring system may be used to keep score.

** Certification in scoring still requires a two-set paper score sheet to be submitted to the Scorer Chair and receive a passing score.

The Electronic Scoring system will not be accepted for use during the Lone Star Junior Regionals tournament event. A paper score sheet must be kept by the certified scorer in the BID division and by the clinic-attended scorer in the non-BID division.